Online Course in Developmen​t Economics at MRU

Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, Economics professors at GMU, are offering an online course in Development Economics through the Marginal Revolution University.

You can register for the course here:

For those interested in India, the course has a special unit focusing on the country! Topics include:

History of the East India Company
The economics of Gandhi’s attack on the salt monopoly
Was British rule good for India?
Private education in India
Economic research on the caste system in India
The timing of Indian economic reforms and the boost in Indian economic growth, as discussed by Rodrik, DeLong, and others.
The contributions of the most famous and most important Indian economists.
Why does Kerala have such a good record when it comes to public health?
RCTs in India by Poverty Action Lab.
And much more.
More info here:

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